Ice Village, the most romantic experience in the severe winter


Ice Village is born of the coldest Hokkaido in Japan. For two years, Ice Village located at TOMAMU resort has become the preferential choice for foreign tourists who come to Hokkaido to seek the white dream. The so-called Ice Village is composed of those igloos made of large slabs cut from compacted snow, such as ice shops, ice restaurants, ice bar and so on. Since I am actually there, I should also have a taste of the Ice Village life.

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However you come, be sure to come early, because Ice Village closes its doors before 10 pm every night.

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Standing on the higher ice slide, I overlook Ice Village, this is a very good angle, very dream isn’t it?

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Every ice-house has different function in Ice Village. ice bar, ice restaurant and so on.

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Come early to Ice Village, and as an added benefit, the tourists are few, walking on the inside can become only more dream.

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This is Oasis skating rink, it’s a pity I can go roller skating, but currently only a little contact with skating.

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This is the entrances to Ice Village. By the evening, the blue flashing lights come up on the white building,  stepping into Ice Village, the tourists can see a dreamy forest footpath to Ice Village.

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This is a skates rental log cabin next to Oasis skating rink, it is really very dream.

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The fairytale – style log cabin has an appealing force against a background of the huge trees.

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Ice church is the most romantic place in Ice Village. Each year, approximately forty newlywed couples decide to have a wedding ceremony at the ice church. I am curious, in such an environment, what kind of wedding dress they should wear.

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Inside the ice church, it is really a chaste and glacial world, many couples are choosing wedding here, I estimate, it makes them very unforgettable.

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The cross on the roof of the ice church, under the lights, as if it speaks to the tourists an oath, doesn’t it?

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WOW, ice bar come~

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The music and atmosphere in the ice bar are wonderful. And here the tourists can make delicious cocktails, it is the favorite place for the young.

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Wine in a ice cup, sucking wine through straws is a really good idea, otherwise, the tourists lips become so smeared with ice.


All kinds of wine are now for the tourists to experience.

Ice bar stereo systems

Ice bar stereo systems and lighting effects work well, plus the ice-cold stimulation, I’m impressed! ha-ha

two big icicle at the ice bar

There are two big icicle at the ice bar.

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The bartender is very nice looking! He wears a thick overcoat as a protection against the bitter cold.

a heart-warming corn soup

The ice restaurant experience begins with a heart-warming corn soup.

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The environment of ice restaurant is wonderful, accompanied by a warmer colour light, plus hot foods, and all of these are great for relieving the winter cold.

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Many young people admiring come from all over and taste the ice restaurant’s Cheese Fondue.

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There are some fresh vegetables and fruits frozen to the ice on the wall at the ice restaurant, which is a good creative interior decoration.

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A small blackboard hung in the ice restaurant’s sliding door covered with the thin snow, in this place like Hokkaido, maybe, it may snow later, I never will have imagine that it will come so quickly.

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The ice shop selling little polar bear tchotchkes.

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The ice shop selling little cockhorses, it’s really cute.

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More visitors spends much time watching all goods than buy in the ice shop, the ice restaurant is more lively in comparison with the ice shop.

Ice Laboratory

This is the Ice Laboratory for all to know ice and snow better after the visit. snow can be made into snow crystals pendant here, the visitors keep it as a memorial of their travel.

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Ice Village in the daylight is not nearly as dreamy as Ice Village night, just wait a couple of hours, the day is dark, stepping into the little door, the tourists are able to go to an entirely different ice and snow fairy-tale world.

About Author

Hey there! My name is Yuning. I’m a full-time adventure travel blogger & photographer who’s been exploring the world for over 6 years, with no plans to stop anytime soon. Welcome to my travel blog! This is where I share entertaining stories, amazing photography, and crazy adventures with you from my perpetual travels around the world.

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