The pentium roaring Niagara Falls in Canada

My visit to Ontario, Canada, Niagara Falls is my most important stop.

Towards the rising sun, I see sunrise filtering through the rising mist at the base of the giant waterfall, Niagara waterfall cascades down in the silvery light.

This picture, the rising mist on the right is Niagara Falls, the waterfall above on the left is American falls. And here, I will tell you a little bit of Niagara Falls, here straddles the border between Ontario and New York, Niagara Falls is located in Canada, American falls is located in America. Niagara Falls is one of the most famous natural landscape in the American continent, the average flow is 5720 cubic meters / sec, Niagara Falls together with Iguazu Falls and Victoria Falls are regarded as three cross-border waterfalls in the world.

The morning fresh air, the green color jumps into my eyes, the song of birds, whether morning exercise people run next to I or run towards me, everybody smiles and nods, say morning. A good mood starts in the early morning, a beautiful day launches from here.

Autumn in Canada is the most alluring, a tall tower in the distance is its landmark Skylon Tower, it rises 775 feet above Niagara Falls, the top-floor revolving restaurant is the best place to see the mighty Niagara Falls.

At last I look the giant waterfall at eye level. The roar continues to echo in my ears, I feel really good emotion.

We happen to pass American falls.

Without question, I prefer Niagara Falls, getting closer and closer to me, the sun has risen.

Formed over the last 12, 000 years by melting glaciers and water erosion, Niagara Falls is marveled at for its great width rather than height, the largest crest stretching 2, 600 feet wide.

I just suddenly reminded of a poem, “it’s torrent dashes down three thousand feet from high, as if the Silver River fell down from azure sky”. No wonder why there is an old saying: “Seeing is believing!”

And then we look back American falls, it measures just 80 meters wide, its weakness is self-evident. Two waterfalls water sources come from the same place. But Only 6 percent of water flow from American falls, the other 94 percent of water flow from Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls, and water plentiful, the water of Niagara Falls appear bright cyan, but the water of American falls appear blue.

The panorama of American falls.

There are many ways to see Niagra Falls. The most common is taking the “maid of the mist” for amazing close – ups, a breathtaking experience of being near Niagara Falls. Besides, there are other ways such as by helicopter, by jet boat, riding on the cableway and so on.

I choose to see Niagara Falls by helicopter. This is our helicopter, a 6-seat helicopter. I can’t remember its type, I know nothing except that it is the quietest helicopter in the world and it is highly secure.

Aha, I see Niagara Falls.

We get closer and closer to Niagara Falls…

We approach the top of Niagara Falls.

I am in luck, on the day when I see Niagara waterfall, it is a warm day, I have a splendid view of a rainbow because of the very good visibility.

About Author

Hey there! My name is Yuning. I’m a full-time adventure travel blogger & photographer who’s been exploring the world for over 6 years, with no plans to stop anytime soon. Welcome to my travel blog! This is where I share entertaining stories, amazing photography, and crazy adventures with you from my perpetual travels around the world.

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